Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Lazada and JJ-King Marketing Complaint

Lazada  For the end time. WHY DO WE HAVE TO WAIT?  First: The item YOU ALLOWED JJ-King Marketing to deliver is NOT THE ITEM WE ORDERED.  Secondly: Upon checking the delivery history of the item, it has been sent to us on June 13, but the seller ONLY Advised us on the 18th that the item we would like to order is NOT AVAILABLE, hence they will be sending an alternative. SENDING. When they already sent it on the 13th! We said NO. Maybe the reason why they can't cancel it because THEY ALREADY SENT THE ITEM before they even advised us!  Third: The day they advised us the item is not available and offered the replacement, we said no. They did not reply. We called and emailed right away to let you know. YOU SAID YOU WILL ESCALATE THE CONCERN.  Fourth: The item was already on its way! We contacted you again, through phone and email. You advised us to DECLINE the delivery and within 7 days, the refund should start regardless if the item has been delivered to the seller. Which makes sense because WHY SHOULD WE WAIT UNTIL THE ITEM REACHED YOUR WAREHOUSE? SHOULD WE WAIT TO UNTIL THE ITEM REACHED THE SELLER? To what? To check? We DECLINED the item. IT IS NOT USED AND RETURNED. IT WAS DECLINED! Meaning, it didn't even reach our doorstep! What's the point in all of this?  Fifth: I cannot count how many times you have promised to escalate while reiterating your process. Why should we follow your process? Did your seller follow the process? Did you follow the process?  Your SELLER posted an item that is NOT AVAILABLE. After we paid for the item, instead of advising us and LAZADA to cancel the item because it is not available. THEY DECIDED to send us an ALTERNATIVE WITHOUT our consent. We let you know about this and YOU LET IT HAPPEN! Is that your process?!  We bought that for our son's education. There were lots of items better than what LAZADA offers and we missed the opportunities to choose from those options because you KEEP ON DELAYING OUR REFUND!  To DTI Philippines Dti-Laguna, do you not sanction this kind of practice? We are not BORROWING money from LAZADA we are DEMANDING that LAZADA RETURN OUR MONEY BACK NOW!  CC: Raffy Tulfo in Action


For the end time. WHY DO WE HAVE TO WAIT? 

First: The item YOU ALLOWED the seller to deliver is NOT THE ITEM WE ORDERED.

Secondly: Upon checking the delivery history of the item, it has been sent to us on June 13, but JJ-King Marketing ONLY Advised us on the 18th that the item we would like to order is NOT AVAILABLE, hence they will be sending an alternative. SENDING. When they already sent it on the 13th! We said NO. Maybe the reason why they can't cancel it because THEY ALREADY SENT THE ITEM before they even advised us!

Third: The day they advised us the item is not available and offered the replacement, we said no. They did not reply. We called and emailed you right away to let you know. YOU SAID YOU WILL ESCALATE THE CONCERN.

Fourth: The item was already on its way! We contacted you again, through phone and email. You advised us to DECLINE the delivery and within 7 days, the refund should start regardless if the item has been delivered to the seller. Which makes sense because WHY SHOULD WE WAIT UNTIL THE ITEM REACHED YOUR WAREHOUSE? SHOULD WE WAIT TO UNTIL THE ITEM REACHED THE SELLER? To what? To check? We DECLINED the item. IT IS NOT USED AND RETURNED. IT WAS DECLINED! Meaning, it didn't even reach our doorstep! What's the point in all of this?

Fifth: I cannot count how many times you have promised to escalate while reiterating your process. Why should we follow your process? Did your seller follow the process? Did you follow the process?

Your SELLER posted an item that is NOT AVAILABLE. After we paid for the item, instead of advising us and LAZADA to cancel the item because it is not available. THEY DECIDED to send us an ALTERNATIVE WITHOUT our consent. We let you know about this and YOU LET IT HAPPEN! Is that your process?!

We bought that for our son's education. There were lots of items better than what LAZADA offers and we missed the opportunities to choose from those options because you KEEP ON DELAYING OUR REFUND!

To DTI Philippines Dti-Lagunado you not sanction this kind of practice? We are not BORROWING money from LAZADA we are DEMANDING that LAZADA RETURN OUR MONEY BACK NOW!

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Lazada and JJ-King Marketing still have not resolved our concern.

It's been a month since JJ-King Marketing duped us by sending us a product that we did not purchase.
It's been a month since we advised Lazada that JJ-King Marketing is sending us something we did not buy and to please stop them from sending it because they ignored us when we said no to them.

It's been a month when they first promised that they will escalate the concern and it is the same promise every time we managed to get a hold of someone because it's so difficult to contact them. 

We will have to wait in the queue for more than an hour just to get disconnected. When we reached someone we will have to repeat what we have been saying every time we call them. When we ask for a supervisor, NO ONE will speak to us after making us wait for almost two hours.

It's been a month since JJ-King Marketing pulled us to into this mess and Lazada can't seem to do anything about it when all they have to do is to give is our money back.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Lazada Complaint

Lazada emailed us yesterday and asked when will be the best time to call. We told them today at 5:00 pm. Instead of calling, they emailed us a "call summary" and practically mentioned the same things they have been saying since day 1. How many times do you have to escalate this concern? What call summary are you referring to when we never spoke?

The product has been declined on June 25. It was declined because it wasn't the product that we ordered.

We informed you on June 18 because it is when JJ-King Marketing advised us that they will be sending the item WE DID NOT ORDER. However, I think they already sent the item before they even advised us. We called and emailed you right away LAZADA. You told us you will be escalating the concern, the same sh!+ you have been telling us but until now, we still don't have our money back. By the way, the STATUS OF THE ORDER is "TO RECEIVE" did you send it back to us?

We thought you already coordinated with the seller but YOU LET THEM CONTINUE SENDING THE ITEM. It arrived on June 25, again we called and emailed you. You again told us the same sh!+ you mentioned in the screencap, that you will escalate the concern.

I cannot recall how many times we waited on the queue just to be disconnected and when we finally reached someone they will just promise the same things as stated on the screencap below.

DTI Philippines they are giving us a run around in front of you. Do I have to go to people like Raffy Tulfo in Action to have something like this resolve? This is so frustrating.

Lazada emailed us yesterday and asked when will be the best time to call. We told them today at 5:00 pm. Instead of calling, they emailed us a "call summary" and practically mentioned the same things they have been saying since day 1. How many times do you have to escalate this concern? What call summary are you referring to when we never spoke?  The product has been declined on June 25. It was declined because it wasn't the product that we ordered.  We informed you on June 18 because it is when JJ-King Marketing advised us that they will be sending the item WE DID NOT ORDER. However, I think they already sent the item before they even advised us. We called and emailed you right away LAZADA. You told us you will be escalating the concern, the same sh!+ you have been telling us but until now, we still don't have our money back. By the way, the STATUS OF THE ORDER is "TO RECEIVE" did you send it back to us?  We thought you already coordinated with the seller but YOU LET THEM CONTINUE SENDING THE ITEM. It arrived on June 25, again we called and emailed you. You again told us the same sh!+ you mentioned in the screencap, that you will escalate the concern.  I cannot recall how many times we waited on the queue just to be disconnected and when we finally reached someone you will just promise the same things as stated on the screencap below.  DTI Philippines they are giving us a run around in front of you. Do I have to go to people like Raffy Tulfo in Action to have something like this resolve? This is so frustrating.
Lazada Auto Reply

Monday, July 13, 2020

Friday, July 10, 2020

Lazada Complaint

On June 18 the seller advised me that the product I PAID FOR is NOT AVAILABLE and we don't like the alternative they are offering. Therefore, we emailed Lazada and asked them to coordinate with the seller and have this order canceled.

JJ-King Marketing

Why is LAZADA allowing a seller to sell something when they don't have the item readily available? I told the seller to refund me instead because the alternative is not acceptable. It is a MUCH OLDER version of what we paid for. At the same time, we emailed and called Lazada to advise them about what happened. 

This is what they told us on June 19.

JJ-King Marketing

JJ-King Marketing

We trusted that they have coordinated with the seller to GIVE US OUR MONEY BACK because we don't like the alternative they are offering. However, on June 23, we received a notification that the seller went ahead and SENT US THE ALTERNATIVE WE REFUSED to have.

JJ-King Marketing

JJ-King Marketing

"Puwede naman po hindi received". Puwede rin naman na hindi ipadala kase AYAW NAMIN DI BA? Why would you force us to accept something we did not pay for?

JJ-King Marketing

JJ-King Marketing

"Yes po ma'am i rerefund namin yung difference" THERE! They just admitted they sent us a lower version of what we want because they are willing to refund the difference.

I want LAZADA to refund the 18,406 I paid for NOW! It's been a month since the item was refused! We called Lazada 12x they disconnected us several times and left to wait for a supervisor for more than on hour! This is unacceptable.

Representative Grace, ID Number: 3012019007, made us wait more than an hour for supervisor Clara but it never happened. A representative named Alola, ID Number 2018040082 called us instead. She said she is from the refunds team and she will give us a callback tomorrow which should be yesterday. Until now, no one has contacted us and every time we call back we get disconnected.

I hope that DTI can do something to assist us.

Lazada and JJ-King Marketing Complaint